Sunday, January 11, 2009

Januray 11, 2009

Happy New Year

It is difficult to let go of the holiday theme when you worked for 27 years at the elementary school level so naturally I have been thinking about resolutions this month. I don’t remember John doing much of it but I do think I certainly need to! I also don’t’ want to preach to others or suggest anything that I couldn’t do myself for a whole year and this is what I came up with; try to make someone smile every day.

It could be a thoughtful gesture or a funny remark or just a little surprise but all those things are not too hard to do and would make your world a better place. I think everyone could use a smile during these tough times and to be the person to give that little gift to others will make you feel better at the end of the day as well!

I hope John likes my plan…he is probably thinking I should be doing more than one to make up for all the times I make my family frown every day!!


Anonymous said...

I can't imagine you making anyone "frown"....this is an easy resolution...I'll do it!

Anonymous said...

Love the idea of making someone smile everyday! GREAT resolution! Thank you!

Lil said...

Every full moon now, I try to do all the nice things I've done months before and something new. I have to admit, these things have carried over into my every day life because they are so simple and yet sincere. When I think someone deserves a compliment, I give them one. I'm keeping in better touch with friends far away and being honest with the ones close by about how much they mean to me. I'm even really working on my habitual tail-gating and road rage! So I very much appreciate this new year's sentiment and can say that I'm totally in!