Thursday, July 17, 2008

Happy Full Moon!

I have been thinking about my post for weeks because I am very afraid that I will run out of things to say (ok, not true, I am afraid that I will run out of ideas for this topic only, I will never run out of things to say!)

Well, I think John is helping me because last week I remembered that every time I would give him a compliment…on things that were to me so obvious about him…he would look at me and say, so earnestly, “thanks mom, … thanks a lot”

I miss that about him, his ability to make you feel good when you least expect it. I was always so glad I had thought to tell him whatever it was I thought he should be proud of…

So, that is what I was thinking I should suggest this month…give someone a compliment. Apparently there are lots of people out there that don’t get enough of them and don’t think they are noticed.

I have put all this on a blog so if you wanted to pass this on to someone who didn’t know our story they could read the whole thing and “get it”.

Have a nice day! And to get the ball rolling may I say that I have been so blessed by all of you, your support and kindness has pulled us through and for many days, given us a reason to get up. Thank you, you are all such wonderful friends, and we know how lucky we are to have been given the gift of you.


Anonymous said...

Happy Full Moon back at you Paula. Always nice to get a reminder, and I know it helps to hold John Ryan close to your heart.

Be well, Dan

Anonymous said...

Hey Paula:

I just received my first "Full Moon" e-mail. Actually, I was driving home last night with my daughter, Leah and we both noticed the BEAUTIFUL full moon with one bright star to the right of it. I quickly said to her ~ "make a wish" ~ you know the story ~ Star light star bright, first star I see tonight ~ I won't bore you with what I always wish for but in the same breath, I say "hello" to my dad who know lives in heaven too and it makes me feel like he is saying "hello" in return ! Hope you are having a restful summer... keep up with the reminders! It is good to "get grounded" everly once in awhile!

Bev D.

Whitney said...

I also noticed that last night's full moon was especially beautiful. A perfect, cloudless, warm summer evening sky...we're so lucky to receive little gifts from Johnny like we did last night. Keep it up JRP.